Young ADults authors on stage Book Festival 2014

See photos of the L.A. Festival of Books: C-Span, crime writers, typewriters, fruit hats and–Yes!–real books

USC Marching Band at Festival of Books
Both Saturday and Sunday began with snappy concerts by members of the USC Trojan Marching Band.  Singers from the L.A. Opera and several local rock music cover bands also played during the day.

I’ll be writing about the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, the largest book festival in America on my other blog, Misadventures in E-Publishing, but here I am simply going to show some photos of this two day event on the campus of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.  There are additional photos in the previous post on this site.

Festival goers taking an afternoon break on the lawn at USC.
Festival goers taking an afternoon break on the lawn at USC.
Kids writing ojn typewriters at the Fetival of Books
Future authors had three minutes to write on old typewriters and got to take their works with them!  Maybe the opening scene of next big, hot YA novel began here!
Ladies with fruit hats at the Festival of Books
Time for a lunch break.  I wonder if these two ladies wearing hats decked out in plastic fruit are authors and the fruit plays a role in their books.
Book Soup poster at the Festival of Books
I learned that the Book Soup bookstore is now owned by Vroman’s. Loved Hemmingway and Hunter Thompson on this poster!  I also heard that a specialty mystery bookstore near me is going out of business.  Vroman’s, along with Distant Lands Travel bookstore, are turning out to be the survivors in Pasadena.
3 mystery authors signing books
Three women mystery writers signing books. Sisters in Crime is a very active group in Southern California.
C=Span was promoting BookTV which runs every weekend on one of the CSpan channels.  They also gave away bags.  I got one.
C-Span was promoting BookTV which runs every weekend on one of the C-Span channels. They also gave away bags. I got one.
Booklovers at the L.A. Times Festival of Books
Thousands upon thousands a book lovers attended the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. In the back of this photo is the C-Span Book TV bus.  There are more photos in the previous post on this site.

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