children using typewriters Festival of Books 2014

L.A. Festival of Books: Poetry Slam, Fancy Nancy, YA Fantasy Fiction and Breast Feeding

poetry Slam at Festival of Books
Poetry Slam at the Festival of Books on a beautiful spring day!

In just a few minutes I’m leaving to go to the second day of the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books.  Before I go I thought I’d post a few photos.

There was a absolutely terrific poetry slam with very talented young poets, among them two young women, Belissa and Zariya.

The longest lines I saw were for the woman who illustrates the very popular Fancy Nancy series of books.  And not all the fans lined up for the book signing were kids.

Children were also happily writing on old-fashioned typewriters in one booth. (At top)  Maybe aspiring novelists?

Later I was told that the line for book signing by John Green who wrote The Fault in Our Stars was the longest on Saturday.  I also enjoyed listening to four YA fantasy authors talk about writerly things.

Illustrator of Fancy Nancy books.
Illustrator of Fancy Nancy Books had a long long line waiting for her to sign the books.

And Penguin had their own book truck. (See below)  CSPAN had a huge red bus to promote its BookTV which runs every weekend with discussions about current non-fiction books and topics.

Penguin's mobeile book shop
Penguin Publishers’ mobile book shop.

Okay,  about breast feeding.  There is a booth at the Festival which welcomes any mother who wants to breast feed her infant or change a baby’s diapers.  Gotta go now.  More tomorrow.

Originally published in 2014