sampling natural honey

Tomatoes and the goats and bees

Now about tomatoes…

Tomatomania is a springtime event in California where dozens of varieties of tomatoes–both hybrid and heirloom–are sold for one day only at various locations, including nurseries, roadside vegetable stands and botanic gardens. Tomatomaniacs love it!

An heirloom tomato called ‘Pigwillie’s Black’ has been designated as the tomato of the year.

A friend dragged me to one at Tapia Bros. vegetable stand in the Valley in 2019 and here is what I saw:

Only tomato plant starters were on display. A sign read that a variety called ‘Sun Gold’, a yellow-gold cherry tomato, is the most popular one in America.
A man from Tapia Bros. offered advice about growing tomatos and then offered free flower seeds to plant among the tomatos to encourage bees. I’m not sure what this woman was examining.
These two little girls were sampling the organic, single source honey. I did, too. The mixed floral honey tasted best to me. The two dark color bottles in the front tasted almost like molasses. The man earlier had given advice about growing tomatos and other vegetables.

Tapia Bros have a few animals at their location, including these goats. In the Fall, Tapia Bros. have a corn maze across the street. It’s very big and fun!.

Originally published in March 2019

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