Dinosaurs didn't fund science

Tens of thousands at the March for Science L.A. and the signs were witty!

I am just going to post photos with captions for the March for Science in Los Angeles.  They are more or less in the order I took the photographs.  Starting with the tin foil hat ladies…

tin foil hats science March
The award for the best use of tin foil–well, aluminum foil–goes to these two ladies who were seated outside the Grand Central Market. Foil hats obviously create spelling impairment!
flower hat for bees science march
The Bee Lady has to win a prize for one of the best hats at the March for Science L.A.
dinosaur poster Science March
Home made dinosaur poster for March for Science L.A. Almost all posters were home made.
Superior genetics ha ha
Guess who thinks he has superior genes?? Pres. Bannon! Ha Ha Ha!
naked don in handcuffs
Almost naked Donald in handcuffs. He definitely needs to get more exercise!
Renewable sun
A colorful sign for renewable energy.
giant pink science puppet
Science as a gigantic Pink puppet? This couple came near the very end of the hour long march. I’m not sure what inspired this outfit.  Later: I learned that the pink lady is Princess Bubblegum and she is a scientist on a series called Adventure Games. Learned something new!
Carnegie Science
Making their way home were two real scientists. Many marchers like me were simply supporting the sciences.
Blue skies o9ver Los Angeles
In the 1970s when I moved to L.A. this sky would have been dingy hazy brown. Thanks to decades of EPA regs. the sky in L.A. is now blue! One other thing: unlike the Women’s March, there were no helicopters hovering over the Science March. That object in the sky is an ordinary blue helium filled balloon that someone released.