clouds inside disney hall

See the Nimbus performance at Disney Hall with clouds, lightning, bell ringers

nimbus at Disney Hall
Fluffy-looking clouds surround the lighting fixtures on the stairs leading down to the garage in Disney Hall in ‘Nimbus’. The man and woman in blue fedoras are the singers/bell ringers.

As part of the free All Access event at the cultural venues along Grand Avenue, at Disney Hall The Industry experimental opera company performed ‘Nimbus’ by the new L.A. Phil guest artist-in-residence Yuval Sharon.

I had seen the Sharon’s astonishing production of the ‘Invisible Cities’ opera at Union Station, but skipped his car-borne experimental opera which followed. And I had missed the initial performance of ‘Nimbus’.  This reprise did not disappoint.

In ‘Nimbus’ clouds hang over the escalators and stairs that rise from the lower level red hall outside the parking garage.

Bell ringers in blue hats go up and down the escalators and stairs as they drone the lyrics that accompany the music.

The clouds change colors.

And if a viewer goes from place to place — which is what I did — the droning vocal sounds of the bell ringers become less prominent than the orchestra. I know– it doesn’t sound like much but it was fascinating.

singer ringer at nimbus
A singer/bell ringer performer in the ‘Nimbus’ event at Disney Hall.
blue nimbus clouds red walls
Looking down to the lower level, the clouds assume a blue coloration.
fiery clouds of nimbus
Corresponding to the music, the clouds take on a fiery color as if lightning is striking.
nimbus seen from lower level
Looking upward from the parking garage level, the clouds change colors to match the music. The music was much clearer from the bottom than from the main lobby of Disney Hall. As this visual was unfolding the sound of rain came onto the sound track only to disappear as the clouds changed color again.
blue skies and fluffy c;louds
Meanwhile outside Disney Halls blue and white balloons marking the All Access Day echoed the blue sky with white clouds.