quilt show in Pasadena

Hundreds of colorful quilts in Pasadena including a 3-D quilt!

Glendale quilt con overview
Quilts of all shapes and sizes were on display at the Glendale Quilt Guild’s show.  The blue quilt to the left was one of the prizewinners.

The Glendale Quilt Guild‘s annual convention was this last weekend, September 22 and 23, 2017 at the Pasadena Civic Center. This year there were over 300 quilts exhibited, but I am only going to show you a few–including a 3-D quilt by Luke Haynes which I have never seen before.

Luke Haynes 3-D quilt
Luke Haynes, a New York artist, was the featured exhibitor at this show. And this quilt was definitely a first. What appears to be a 3-D figure of Ben Franklin is an optical illusion created by a very elongated piece of fabric. Viewed properly the figure appears. I’ve seen 3-D art works at the Pasadena Chalk Festival, but never in a quilt.
Detail cat quilt border
The dozen large cats in the center of this quilt are surrounded by hundreds of tiny cats making up the border. Each one has a different expression on its face!
Cat quilt Glendale quilt con
A very clever cat quilt. I took a closer look and realized what made up the colorful border.
Detail dog quilt Glendale Quilt conv
A close-up look at the dog quilt. Patches alternated between fabric with dog photos and fabric with artistic renderings of dogs.
dog quilt Glendale Quilt convention
The quilt for dog lovers. Every strip of fabric has an image of a dog.
Quilt prizewinner Glendale Quilts
Another prizewinner at the Glendale Quilt show. Beautiful colors!