suburban life art Los Angeles Union Station

New Artwork at Union Station in Los Angeles

Parade artwork Union STation
This appears to me to be a representation of a parade…maybe.  It is one of many new art works lining the passage to the trains in Union Station, Los Angeles.

Yesterday (Saturday July 15, 2017) the annual Train Festival was held at Union Station.  When I arrived about 15 minutes before the Festival was scheduled to open, the lines were huge!  Easily over 300 people plus their children were lined up for the train tours.  Another 100 lined up to see the model trains.  And those lines were growing longer by the minute.

I decided to forego the Train Festival and took photos of the artwork newly installed in the triptych light boxes that line the passage between the station and the trains.

Serbian cemetary art Union Station
This artwork reminds me of the Serbian cemetery in East Los Angeles. But it may be an Armenian one.
Admiring artwork Union Station
A man stopped to admire the artwork. Sadly, most people rushed right on by.
Suburban life artwork Union STation
Suburban life, possibly in the 1970s. An image of how Los Angeles really was back then.
Palm tree art in Union Station
Palm trees lining a road to the mountains. It’s an image of how I perceived L.A. before I moved here.