Armenian genocide faces and survivors

The Armenian genocide memorial in Glendale under cloudy skies

Armenian genocide monument in Glendale I’ve heard it said that there are more people who call themselves “Armenians” in Glendale, than in the country of Armenia.  While that is actually not accurate (Armenia’s population is 3 million. Glendale about 200,000) it is true that people of Armenian ancestry are a dominant force in the city.

armenian woman childrenIn honor of those who died in the Armenian genocide in 1915, a memorial has been erected in the Central Paseo Park in Glendale. Here are a few photos of it.

Old woman face armenian memorial
Faces of survivors. I was particularly struck by the old woman’s face in the middle.
Four faces of Armenia
The faces of people who survived the genocide and told of what happened. The man walking on the right side of the memorial, paced around it for the entire time I spent taking photos. He gives a sense of the scale of these art works.
Armenian family 1917
The photo of lost ancestors during happier times in an Armenian town in Turkey.