Very scary election banner

See the Green witch Hillary and Pumpkinhead Donald in a candy store window in Pasadena

green hillary at candy store
A green witch that bears a resemblance to Hillary Clinton in the window of a candy store in Pasadena. (Sorry about all the reflections.)

(NOTE AS I RE-PUBLISH THIS IN 2020: I was wrong when I wrote this post in 2016. Trump won that election.  I have been resisting his hatreds ever since with positive actions. If you have not yet registered to vote in the 2020 election, do it now. Go to

Even the Its Sugar candy store on Colorado Blvd. in Old Town Pasadena is getting involved in this election with two very funny and recognizable faces on signs hanging in the storefront window. Below them on a table is another sign that reads: ‘One scary election’.  But as if to disprove Donald Trump’s assertions that the U.S. is going downhill fast, there was another sign next to the entry which read: ‘Now Hiring’. Apparently things are going well in the candy store segment of the economy.

pumpkin head donald trump
A pumpkin head that strongly resembles Donald Trump in the window of the Its Sugar candy store in Pasadena.

I’ve generally kept politics out of this blog, but I have three comments:

1) Advice for the Trumpsters:  if you want change in America, get Mitch McConnell out of office.  He has been like a troll hunkered down over his bag of power, blocking everything for years now, mostly because he is scared and a permanent “No” seems to be his best option. He may not care whether you lose your job, but he is worried about his own. He almost lost his last election. A Tea Party candidate came very close to beating him and McConnell lurched even further right as he scampered back to Washington D.C. after the voting was over.


2) last Sunday over brunch at Perch I predicted that Donald Trump would implode and self-destruct before the election.  I think his implosion began this weekend with the Access Hollywood tapes. And now all those cowardly GOP lions are suddenly becoming brave enough to repudiate him. It’s about time!


3)  I’m not much of a fan of Hillary Clinton either. We endured the drama of Hill and Bill once already.  No need to do it again.

I wish there was a ‘None of the Above’ listing on the ballot.  They have that choice in Nevada for several public offices.  If ‘None of the Above’ wins, the human with the next largest number of votes, actually gets the position, but coming in second to None of the Above is certainly a humbling result and generally puts the brakes on any radical actions or notions the human had in mind.

one very scary election sign candy store

‘One Scary Election” banner on a table overflowing with Halloween stuff and more. at the ‘It’s Sugar’ candy store in Pasadena.

The state of the economy on Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena: good. The Its Sugar candy store is hiring. Also the Tibetan-Nepal restaurant on Holly St. is looking for an experienced dishwasher according to the sign in their window.
The state of the economy on Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena: good and getting even better. The Its Sugar candy store is hiring. Also the Tibetan-Nepal restaurant on Holly St. is looking for an experienced dishwasher according to the sign in their window.