flowers for sale Pasadena Farmers Market

Unusual Farmers Market Produce in Pasadena

sunflowers, marigolds, sweet williams
A bouquet of sunflowers, marigolds and hot pink Sweet Williams at the Pasadena Farmers Market in November 2015.

It was 90F yesterday in Pasadena.  Cooler today  at 84F so I went to the main Farmers’ Market near Pasadena High school. The market was filled with happy people dressed in shorts and t-shirts shopping for Thanksgiving veggies, fruits, bread, and flowers while they listened to music from 4 distinctly different musicians.

As usual, read the captions.

Pasadena Farmers Market
The San Gabriel Mountains rise steeply behind the Pasadena Farmers Market.
drummer Pasadena Farmers market
The drumming man had two young assistants this morning.
dulcimer player
I think this instrument is a type of dulcimer. This musician was one of four playing at the Pasadena Farmers Market.
Fresh figs
Fresh figs make a heavenly dessert! Fig trees are easy-peasy to grow and many people in Southern California have fig trees in their yards.
yellow cauliflower
Yummy yellow cauliflower tastes pretty much the same as the white version and certainly makes a colorful addition to a winter table.
bok choy
Bok Choy – great every day of the week. Photographs well, too.
Cherimoya, also called custard apple, is a tropical fruit that tastes like banana, strawberry, coconut and mango. Creamy texture and Mark Twain claimed it was the best fruit ever grown. (Peel off the ugly exterior!)
fresh mushrooms
Out near the ocean in Ventura there are some huge mushroom farms. They are all grown indoors and the ‘farms’ look like giant warehouses.
persimmons plums
Persimmon season is at its peak, as is plum season. Plums I like. Persimmons I do not care for. Nancy Reagon was famous for her persimmon pie.