chalk art Pasadena 2015

See photos of the Pasadena Chalk Art Festival 2015

3-D illusion chalk painting
This was the best 3-D illusion chalk painting this year. The blue shirted ‘man’ in the middle is a self-portrait of the artist on the right. The bananas are real–all else, illusion–even the box of chalks on the left.

The city of Pasadena claims that their chalk art festival is the largest in the nation.  That may be true, but this year was smaller than last year, which was smaller than the year before.  Some nice work this year, although several spaces remained blank because, I suspect, the temperature was over 90F.  Even with umbrellas shielding the artists it was still hot, hot, hot.  So here are some photos at this Festival, which usually occurs on Fathers’ Day.

Let me take a selfie
This simplified portrait of Frida Kahlo is captioned: “But first let me take a selfie”! I love the flowery hair band on the head of the artist on the right.  Very Frida-ish!
Pizza chalk art and artists
Hungry for something different? How about a chalk images of a gigantic pizza!
Art Nouveau chalk painting
Art Nouveau paintiing comes to life on the concrete plaza at Paseo Colorado–a shopping and residential complex in Pasdena.
A memorial to the late Elizabeth Taylor
Angel chalk art
This artist comes back year after year creating beautiful images from classic Renaissance paintings.
Art Gallery Pasadena Chalk Festival
The Art Gallery was where visitors could bid in a Silent Auction on small 1 sq. foot acrylic paintings by each of the chalk artists.  A very nice way to support the chalk artists, whose works will be walked on and washed away within 48 hours. Below are three of the paintings in the Silent Auction.