Couple kissing in Ferndell

Cool (but fake) romance at Ferndell

Bridge in Ferndell Griffith ParkTo escape from the late summer heat I decided to walk in Ferndell in Griffith Park. Late summer is not the best time for Ferndell: many of the ferns and other annual plants have died back; the little stream that in Spring is bubbling to overflowing is now sluggish pools of glistening water surrounded by mud. But the temperature was at least 15 degrees cooler than on Vermont Ave. and equally cooler than the hiking trails that snake up the hillsides in the park.

Engaged couple in Ferndell And what did I come across but a photographer taking photos of a young couple kissing on a bridge.  It turns out the photographer was taking photos for her portfolio.  She wants to be a wedding photographer.  So I took a photo, too.   But the young man in the photo seems to be wearing a Boy Scout shirt–which is more than a little bit weird for an engagement photo–even a fictious engagement photo.  Maybe, however, I am just out of touch with 20-somethings.

Ferndell is located on the southernly edge at the very west side of Griffith Park.  A sign will point you in the right direction.  Park anywhere.  If you go past the Trail Snack Shop you have gone too far.

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