Duck and ducklings in Echo Park lake

The new lotus are in bloom at Echo Park right now — long before the July Lotus Festival!

Lotus blossoms rising from Echo Park lake
The newly restored lotus plants are blooming in June in Echo Park lake

Last year the City of Los Angeles set about to restore Echo Park lake, including bringing back the Asian lotus plants which had mysteriously disappeared a few years ago.

Well, the restoration was a beautiful success.  The pink flowered lotus are in bloom right now, in early June.  Unlike ordinary water lilies the lotus plants have large leaves and the flowers rise up on stems far above the water surface.

Lotus in bloom Echo Park
The pink lotus flowers in Echo Park Lake

The restoration included setting up a water-filtration system because some people thought that the disappearance was due to pollution.  It may have also occurred simply because the lotus plants were almost 80 years old.  (Plants don’t live forever, folks!)

The story is that Aimee Semple MacPherson, whose Angelus Temple is right across the street, planted the lotus in the Echo Park lake back in the early 1930s.

Not only are the lotus plants in bloom, the water lilies are, too.  And there are birds everywhere, including one white heron and a family of very cute and very skittish ducks.

Echo Park, for you out of towners, is quite close to downtown Los Angeles, and even closer to the famous Victorian Homes in Angelino Heights.

Sadly, the annual Lotus Festival has been cancelled for 2020.

Fountain at Echo Park lake with lotus plants
Echo Park lake is quite close to downtown and even closer to Angelino Heights. The lotus plants are in the foreground.
Duck and ducklings at Echo Park lake
I must have taken 8 photos before I captured this one. The mother duck was frantically chasing around her darting little ducklings!  Finally they left the water lilies and paddled away.