The Culver Hotel has always appeared to be misplaced somehow. It’s tall and brick and obviously built a long time ago–in 1924 to be exact. It’s an urban building in a semi-suburban location near the beach, surrounded by middle-class, single story homes and low rise shops and commercial buildings.
Sometime not too long ago, the-powers-that-be in Culver City changed the plaza in front of it to a children’s water play zone. Then ultra contemporary apartment buildings began to pop up on nearby streets. And, even as all these changes were made, the hotel still looked as if it had been dropped accidentally in Culver City and was probably old-fashioned inside.
An elegant place to stop for a drink
That turns out to be not true. Its urban exterior encloses an elegant small hotel worth visiting even if only to have a drink in the upstairs bar or enjoy an open-air brunch. It should go onto your list of must-see places in Los Angeles.
Here is a sneak-preview…

Enjoy a Sunday brunch in the shade of old trees. The day this was photographed, there was a CicLAvia event going on with bicyclists everywhere.
Is it Paris? Or London?

This looks like a setting for a English afternoon high tea at the Culver. Very French design, however.

A dining area at the Culver Hotel. More people were interested in brunch outdoors on the sidewalk/plaza café.

Go up one flight to this bar. Love the bird silhouettes on the front of the bar, the green walls, and the touches of red and gold throughout. It’s unlike anything else I’ve seen in Los Angeles.

According to the Culver Hotel website you can take a guided tour of the building including a new art gallery. The guest rooms appear to be amazing! So add it to your to-visit list.
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