dates on palm trees Pasadena California

Ripe dates on palm trees on Christmas Day

No snow on the palm trees or freezing, snowy weather in Pasadena or Los Angeles on Christmas Day, 2018. In fact, the date palms planted along the center of Arroyo Parkway in Pasadena are bearing fruit. No doubt the birds and other critters love this!

While there is no snow in the L.A. area now, in the nearby mountains all the ski and snowboarding resorts are open for people who want winter cold and winter sports.

A close-up of the dates ripening on the palm trees in Pasadena. I wonder if these are Bahri dates, the most delicious dates of all. Bahri dates taste like caramel–so sweet–and because they do not ship well, they are difficult to find. You can also see the dangerously sharp thorns on each palm frond.

Not far from the palms, the leaves of the Liquid Amber tree turn yellow then red in November and December in So California. The Liquid Amber tree is also known as the American Sweet gum tree. In the front are South African aloes which bloom in mid-winter, bringing color to otherwise dull, all green gardens.  Lots of sunshine, of course.

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