Red Devils Doo Dah 2018

Queen Sassy Classy as Lady Godiva and other strange stuff at the Doo Dah Parade

What a surprise!  The photos of the 2018 Doo Dah Parade I thought had vanished turned up last night, so here are more pix of this crazy fun event in Pasadena. To see more pre-parade photos go here.

Doo Dah parade Queen Sassy Classy Jennipha Nielsen
Rather than traveling in a float, this year Queen Sassy Classy, Jennipha Neilsen, rode the parade route wearing her Lady Godiva outfit  while on a white horse with a peacock blanket

As you will see, it gets weirder and weirder as the parade goes on.

Santa Claus at Doo Dah parade 2018
Of course there was a Santa Claus! After all this is a family event. I have wondered what the children watching this parade will remember when they become adults.  I guess the whole world is stranger these days than when I was a child. Santa, however, continues century after century.


Fuzzy critters at the Doo Dah parade 2018
These fuzzy critters are  almost creepier than clowns IMO.


Belly dancer 2018 Doo Dah Parade
The man sitting next to me gave this belly dancer some of the fake money that is handed out during the parade.  He tucked it into her waistband.


Howdy Krishna Doo Dah 2018
I wonder if this man was one of those Hare Krishna people who chanted on street corners back in the 1970s. He looks to be about the right age to be a maybe-former Hare Krishna-ite. No tambourine though.  Those white things on the street are tortillas.


Derby Dolls Doo Dah parade 2018
Oh those Roller Derby girls!


Mystery float Doo Dah parade 2018
Colorful and fun looking? Yes! But what does an open book on the front of this float, puppets, a man in a red sparkly cape, plus Mexican paper art banners have to do with each other. No doubt they have an explanation, but I didn’t even ask.


Getting wierder Doo Dah 2018
One very bizarre creature plus a medical team plus others strange characters marched in the 2018 Doo Dah Parade.  Notice the lady in the Marie Antoinette (?) outfit who follows and is followed in turn by the roller derby team, the Derby Dolls.


Boatmobile Doo Dah 2018 #LA City Pix
Instead of a batmobile (which you can see here on the Warner Bros. movie lot) there was a boatmobile in the 2018 Doo Dah parade. Look closely and you can see the tortilla this little girl threw at the float.  It is that whitish ellipse above the driver’s head.  Throwing tortillas at floats and marchers–and them throwing the tortillas back–is an old tradition at Doo Dah.



Coffin car and trailer Doo Dah parade
A coffin car pulling a coffin trailer. Not sure what this was all about.


Radioactive Chickenheads a real band 2018
This is a real band. I know because a friend of mine plays with them from time to time.  For all I know he might have been on this truck/float.


Trump Pence must go Doo Dah parade 2018
Political groups were scattered among the more fun parade marchers. Among them were the Sierra Club, the League of Women Voters, the Save Tibet people and others. Seriousness among the silliness.