Sweeney Todd costume movie museum

Warner Studios: Part One, the Movie Museum

I was over at Warner Bros. Studios having lunch with two friends when the one who works there suggested we go to the Warner movie museum. Because I have lived in L.A. for decades, I wasn’t particularly enthused.  I’m somewhat jaded about the movie world.  But we went and it was fun.

6 actresses Warner Studio museumBut, you can’t just wander onto the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank to visit the museum.  You have to take the Studio Tour (unless you are a guest of a Studio  employee which we were.)  The entrance to the museum is the next to the last stop on the Warner Studio Tour. 

Here is some of what you will see in the movie museum. In my next post I will show you the Warner Studio lot with outdoor scenes/sets you will recognize from your favorite TV shows and movies.

Highlights from the Museum

Near the museum entrance are these photos, above, of movie stars from the Golden Age of Motion Pictures, back in the 1930s, 1940s, and the 1950s. How many can you name?

Tim Burton's The Corpse Bridge mock up
A mock-up from Tim Burton’s film “Corpse Bride”. I suspect that these sets get updated every few years to reflect currently popular movies.
Sweeney Todd set and costume WArner Studios museum
The gruesome set and costume for Sweeney Todd.  Angela Lansbury was amazing in that musical.
James Dean costume Rebel Without a Cause
Teenage memories. How I loved James Dean when I was in high school.
Costumes worn by movie stars Warner Studio
From the left, costumes worn by Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Lauren Bacall, and Olivia de Haviland.  The poses to go with the dresses are just about right for each of these women.
Costumes Warner Studio museum
These costumes, I think, were from ‘My Fair Lady’.
Green screen at Warner Studios
These people were acting in front of a green screen. No doubt, there was an extra fee to get into costume and be filmed doing whatever is being shown on the little video screen above the green screen room. There were a couple of other places as you walk through the museum where you could have your photo taken on sets from famous TV shows. I  think one set was for Friends, but since I don’t watch sitcoms I didn’t recognize it.
Warner Studios store LA City Pix
You have to go through the store to exit the museum and return to the tour shuttle. There were some large items but most of the things for sale in the store were either refrigerator magnets or key chains.