reflecting pool by MOCA Los Angeles 2017

Color-filled crosswalks, massive mural and other art in downtown L.A.

Colorful crosswalk Los Angeles
I took this photo a couple of days after it was painted because I’m sure that by the time the exhibition Pacific Standard Time LA/LA ends in 4 months this crosswalk designed by Cruz-Diez will be smudged, grimy, worn and gray. Tens of thousands of car tires and feet will have crossed the art by then.

I made a quick culture and photography tour along Grand Avenue in downtown Los Angeles to see what was new as well as look at some of the public works for the 2017 Pacific Standard Time LA/LA exhibit.

Painting the Crosswalk

As its contribution to the enormous Getty-sponsored art exhibition, PST LA/LA, The Broad Museum commissioned Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez to create an artwork, “Couleur Additive”, for the crosswalks in front of the museum.

Painted crosswalk outside Broad museum

A view of the Cruz-Diez designed crosswalks in the heart of the art-and-culture district of L.A. The Colburn School of Music and MOCA are right across the street. I took this photo from the steps of Disney Hall. Students from the nearby Ramon C. Cortines Visual and Performing Arts high school actually did the painting.

Jonas Wood mural on MOCA – it’s fun

Far more spectacular is the enormous mural on the outside of MOCA across the street from the Broad.  It is the work of artist Jonas Wood.

On my walking tour I next stopped to take photos in the plaza outside MOCA, then went on to take a ride on Angels Flight, the shortest railway in the world down to Grand Central Market. Angels Flight photos are here.  More photos of new stuff at Grand Central Market and the park above Disney Hall will be posted later this week.

Jonas Wood mural on MOCA
This exuberantly colorful mural, entitled ‘Still Life with Two Owls”, by the artist Jonas Wood is directly across the street from the Broad. This photo captures only part of the mural. It’s huge and fun!
Nancy Rubin’s massive sculpture “Airplane Parts” stands in the plaza to the side of MOCA, the Museum of Contemporary ArtThis is permanent, not part of PST LA/LA.
Reflecting pool outside
This reflecting pool — and the reflection in the building at the end of this promenade– are found behind MOCA on the way to the Angels Flight station at the top of Bunker Hill. 
Flag on City Hall
Is this 7 story high U.S. flag on City Hall new? Or have I simply not noticed it before?