Ciclavia Glendale 2017

CicLAvia in Glendale under cloudy skies

Central Ave Glendale CicLAvia
Downtown Los Angeles viewed from Central Avenue in Glendale during CicLAvia in June 2017.  DTLA appears closer than it actually is. 

The latest version of CicLAvia, the open road bicycling event for everyone, seemed less crowded than previous ones. Maybe some people went to the Resist March in West Hollywood.

Mom and daughter CicLAvia
A cute little device for bringing a toddler along to the CicLAvia!

Or perhaps they were going to the Dodgers game near downtown. Or maybe it was an illusion created by the overcast skies.

I ended up spending more time photographing an artwork memorializing the Armenian genocide in a Glendale park than taking pictures at the CicLAvia.  I’ll post images of the Armenian memorial in my next post.

Two women CicLAvia Glendale (
Two women on the nearly empty Central Avenue in Glendale. They were happy and enthusiastic.