The Bread Festival fell flat but ole for the mole!

Avocado Toast Clark Bakery
Poverty looms ahead for Millennials who buy Avocado Toast, according to a millionaire. Sorry about the quality of the photo; I shot this pix through glass.

At the annual Bread Festival at Grand Central Market in downtown L.A. I finally saw the food that Australian millionaire Tim Gurner claims is driving Millennials into poverty and stealing away a comfortable future home for them. It is Avocado Toast. This version was created by Clark Street Bakery, as was the more photogenic ricotta toast set beside it.  Ricotta toast Clark street bakeryMy reaction was to agree with Gurner.  Why buy it? It’s easy peasy to make at home and the money saved can go toward a down payment on a house. Right?

Margaret Greenwood Jams
Jam-maker Margaret Greenwood

Anyway…overall, the 2017 Bread Festival was disappointingly similar to last year: only a handful of bakeries and a couple of jam makers. One of the jam makers is Margaret Greenwood who makes a formidable, if very expensive, Meyer Lemon and Ginger jam.  After tucking my annual purchase of a jar of jam in my purse, I decided to explore GCM for changes.

The first thing I noticed was that the entire GCM was uncomfortably packed with people, many were waiting in lines 30 to 50 people long in narrow aisles to place orders at various food stalls. That’s silly!  There are too many other places with amazing food in downtown L.A. to waste time waiting in lines that long.

Horse Thief BBQ
Dining at the Horse Thief BBQ next door to the GCM on Hill St. in DTLA.

In fact, right next door to GCM is the Horse Thief BBQ where diners ate under the shade of old trees. I haven’t eaten there, but the Horse Thief BBQ has a good reputation, BTW.

Okay, rather than ranting on about the crowds, here are a few photos, including one from a new food stall that sells delicious Mexican moles–a sauce that is so complicated that I would never even try to make it.  I bought some based on a little taste and the recommendation of a fellow shopper.

Mole at Grand Central Market
I brought home a small container of the Mole Oaxaca negro. It is not clear to me whether this food stall is a smaller version of the old chile-seller who had been in the market forever. I couldn’t find that old stall, but came across this one with 2 women behind the counter. Family members? Unrelated?
Family lunch at Grand Central Market
A typical family group having lunch at GCM on a Saturday.
Three workers
These three men seemed to be throwbacks to another era when GCM was quiet place to have lunch. They are definitely not part of the Millennial cohort crowding every aisle.
La Huerta candy store
A stall with a wall of candy has been added since I last visited GCM. Candies, dried fruits, snacks by the dozens. It’s called La Huerta.
Pigs head grand central Market
Outside the Broadway entrance to GCM is this tall metal sculpture with a pigs head on it. Is it a new symbol of the market? A bike stand? Or simply public art?  Oh, there was a anti-Trump demonstration happening on Broadway.  I’ll post about it tomorrow.