soap maker at Jackalope Fair 2017

A very quick trip through the Jackalope Fair in Pasadena

pillow seller jackalope fair
It wasn’t until I looked at these photos at home that I noticed someone stretched out under the table and that the woman in the chair has a boot on her foot. It has been a while since I saw a pillow seller in a street fair.

I guess I am burned out on street fairs.  Even though the Jackalope Fair has lots of vendors with young faces there was not much new to see.  The one thing I did notice was that all the supposedly “organic” soap makers from last year were absent.  As an occasional soap maker I am suspect of those claims about oils used to make soap truly being organic.  A huge palm oil plantation in Malaysia going through the years long process for being certified organic–questionable.

Several new ones had set up shop so it makes me wonder how profitable the fair is–at least for soap makers.

The fair continues tomorrow, Sunday, April 30th, 2017.

Anyway…here are a few photos of the Fair in Central Park in Pasadena.

moana dress jackalope fair
Never too young to shop! This little girl was enthralled by the Moana dress. The Disney Corporation would be happy!
Long Beach soap maker
A soap maker from Long Beach who sells her soaps only on weekends. She has a day job.
No Tox soaps
A soap maker who has a store in Atwater Village and a very nice array of soaps.
quigley ceramics jackalope fair
These vessels from Quigley Ceramics were quite beautiful! Hand-thrown and hand-carved.
chocolatier at jackalope fair
Delicious chocolate samples at this booth. There were quite a few food vendors at the Jackalope.
magician at jackalope fair
Something new! A magician was performing at the Jackalope Fair. Fun!