dancers in Doo Dah parade 2016

The Doo Dah is silliness on parade in stuffy Pasadena

This is part two.  See the previous post for more.

flying saucer
Pasadena is home to Cal Tech and JPL so what could be more appropriate than a flying saucer float?!

After 39 years the Doo Dah Parade still is silly and fun–characteristics one usually does not associate with Pasadena.

The once-famous brief case marching team wasn’t in this year’s parade, but times change and so do the topics that are ridiculed by people walking, riding and ambling along the parade route. And then there are floats and paraders who are marching to their own private vision of who-knows-what. So here are some more photos of this Doo Dah parade.

Want to be in next year’s parade? The application is at the Doo Dah website. Entry fee is $10 per person.

Women stilt walkers were accompanied by crow characters with hoops. What was it all about? Only they know.
Women stilt walkers were accompanied by ‘crow’ characters with hoops. What was it all about? Only they know. In the far lane riding in the Chickenboat was Ms. Pin-Up in a long red dress. 
red devil doo dah
Giving into an urge to be a devil in a red tutu. That probably saved hours and hours of therapy!
little green aliens
Little green men…or are they little green women.  Their costumes were X-rated.
retirees waving to crowd
I wonder if this is a Bucket List item. Maybe she always wanted to look like royalty in a parade–any parade! And maybe he always wanted to build a fantastic art car.
costumed characters
This belly dancer was popular with photographers.
derby dolls at doo dah
The L.A. Derby Dolls rolled along Colorado Blvd.
doo dah queen and band
And to finish: the Doo Dah Queen. There was public disagreement this year about who should be Queen of the parade. This woman with the blue-green mermaid hair won. She showcased her talent by singing to the crowd accompanied by the band.