A look inside the private Shakespeare Club in Pasadena

woman in Edwardian dressThe private Shakespeare Club in Pasadena was founded in 1888 as a women’s literary society.  Over the years the focus shifted more to raising funds for educational scholarships and, once a year, producing a play as a fundraiser. This coming year they are producing the Pajama Game. They also hold two big fundraising fairs open to the public: one in Spring and another as a holiday Gift Fair.

The Club’s building was originally a private home–complete with a large room for musical and theatrical performances. Musicians and actors perform on a raised stage in this room. It is popular as a setting for weddings and receptions.  More recently it has become a set for movies.

Left, one woman came to the 2016 holiday boutique dressed in an Edwardian costume. Her daytime job is as a freelance writer.

foyer at shakespeare club
One of several busts of Shakespeare found around the Club. This one is in the foyer.
shakespeare club hallway
The hallway leading back to the spacious music room/concert room. It was a very warm November day when I was there for their annual holiday boutique. The dark shape on the right is a jacket one of the vendors was selling at the boutique.
The cast of a Shakespearean play shown in this hisotrical photograph.
The cast of a Shakespearean play shown in this historical photograph. Some, but not all, of the cast were members of the Club.
The terrace courtyard in the center of the Club is the ideal location for a wedding.
The terrace courtyard in the center of the Club is an ideal location for a wedding.