angel art at Grand Park 2016

Dozens of angels now stand in Grand Park downtown Los Angeles

artist painting pink angel
One artist was still working on her angel as a friend looked on.

What a lovely discovery!  I went to downtown L.A. to photograph the skaters in Pershing Square, then became distracted by all the anti-Trump demonstrators’ signs and then stumbled across a display of angel sculpture/paintings in Grand Park.

There was also a festival of local musicians and dancers as well as a DJ, who played ‘Nasty Girl’ among other songs. Thanks the California Community Foundation for sponsoring this welcome sign that the holiday season is right ahead of us.

Oh, the pictures of the skaters will be in a later post. (The demonstrators and their signs are in the previous post.)

Here, in no particular order, are a few of the many works of angel art.

sunset colors angel
While the sunset color angel stands watch, a man cools off his feet.
halo angel
The only angel that had a halo. The names of Los Angeles neighborhoods are on the candles.
gray angel
I didn’t understand the symbolism on this one but it seemed to be related to indigenous people of the Americas.
childrens angel
This angel with children painted on it was sited near the splash fountain where little children play.
blue yellow angel
Love the colors and the images on this angel. Her face is almost Byzantine.
blue pink women angel
The blue panel has women’s images on it. Some angels had political overtones.
Raul's Angel was one of dozens of angels that had been painted and displayed in Grand Park. I stopped to photograph them and never got to the Anti-Trump rally. The artist Raul let me take his photo with his angel. More angels in tomorrow's post.
Raul’s Angel was one of dozens of angels displayed in Grand Park.  He was one of the few artists present.