Dump Trump poster 2016

Signs of the times at the anti-Trump rally in #DTLA

Mother and son protestersI marched against Nixon and the Vietnam war in San Francisco the late 1960s and 70s.  I marched against the Iraq War while living in Las Vegas in the early 2000s.

But I decided to let the next generation march this time and had not planned to attend the demonstration against Trump in downtown Los Angeles in 2016.

Instead I went downtown to photograph the skaters at Pershing Square, but the anti-Trump people were everywhere–many carrying signs.

So I took some photos of the signs. The one about ‘Professional Protester’ is my favorite. How Trump could be so stupid as to send out that tweet about ‘Professional Protesters’ is beyond comprehension.  Anyway…here goes.

And please scroll down to the last image of a very sweet man who deserves more attention.

lapd blocking freeway onramp
The LAPD blocked the entrance to the 110 freeway. They didn’t want a repeat of last Wednesday night when protesters shut down a freeway late at night.
love trumps hate
Love trumps hate–no doubt about that! Photo taken inside the Third St. tunnel  which had been closed to vehicle traffic.
only love can
Only Love is this woman’s cause.
brown proud
The young woman said her parents are under deportation orders which haven’t been implemented, but now they are afraid of deportation.
bridges no walls
Bridges not walls reads her sign and she had a rainbow flag on her back. She told me she had marched against the Iraq war, too.
keep energy clean
Two young ladies with two different causes.
Raul's Angel was one of dozens of angels that had been painted and displayed in Grand Park. I stopped to photograph them and never got to the Anti-Trump rally. The artist Raul let me take his photo with his angel. More angels in tomorrow's post.
Raul’s Angel was one of dozens of angels that had been painted and displayed in Grand Park. I stopped to photograph them and never got to the Anti-Trump rally. The artist Raul let me take his photo with his angel. More angels in tomorrow’s post.