spoke bicycle cafe Los Angeles River

Ambling along the Los Angeles River pathway from Frog Spot to Marsh Park

garbage filled fish skeleton at Frog Spot
Fish-mobile filled with garbage retrieved from the river during the annual river clean-up sponsored by the Friends of the Los Angles River. This spring over 9,000 people turned out for the three clean-up weekends.

The white gravel spread across the landscape at the Frog Spot, the activity center for the Friends of the Los Angeles River, is blinding in mid-summer sun so I won’t be posting photos of their cafe — only the fish-mobile that was parked at the back of their lot.

Because it was mid-day on the first full day of the Olympics there were few bicyclists on the pathway that runs for 7 miles along the river. (The Men’s Olympic Road Race was on in Rio and I watched the end of this 5+ hour race after I arrived home.)

When initially developed, the pathway was supposed to be only for bicycles, but people in the neighborhood objected and the path is now used by people, like me, out for a walk. I walked on the shoulder because the cyclists came tearing along a high speed.

Some things I found:

Near the Frog Spot, instead of water in the river bottom, I saw a woman walking her dog. No flowing water was visible along this stretch, but there were definite paths leading into the dense stands of trees and bushes so perhaps some homeless people were clearly living in there.

woman walking dog los angeles river
A woman walked her dog in the river bottom of the Los Angeles River near Frog Spot.
Energeizing coffee and refreshing water are served up by Benjamin at the Pancake Epidemic.
Energizing Stumptown coffee and refreshing water are served up by Benjamin at the Pancake Epidemic.

A little further along I came across a nifty cafe called the Pancake Epidemic tucked into the middle of several buildings that house art studios and architecture offices.

Artist Frederick Gautier (more about him in a future post) was taking a quick coffee break before he returned to work in his studio. Benjamin at the Pancake Epidemic was serving up Stumptown Coffee. The Pancake Epidemic is a Korean-based restaurant/coffee house and this location seems to the their first in L.A.

Spoke Bicyle Cafe
Spoke Bicycle Cafe beside the pathway along the Los Angeles river jsut south of Marsh Park.

And the food did not stop there. A short walk along the path brought me to the Spoke Bicycle Cafe, where cyclists could get their bikes repaired by Dane or the owner, Laurie, or stop for a snack at the shaded cafe.

cafe for cyclists Los Angeles River
On a hot day the cafe at the Spoke was inviting. It was started by two local cycling enthusiasts who live in Atwater Village.

My next stop was Marsh Park, a haven of shade and green grass. One family from Glendale had cycled over with their children to play in the children’s area. At this point I was getting overheated so I walked back down the path and came home to spend the rest of the day watching athletes in great shape win prizes in Rio.

Oh, the Frogtown Art Walk is here.

boy on turtle at Marsh Park
A little boy playing on the concrete turtle in the play area for children at Marsh Park which has been renamed the Lewis MacAdams Riverfront Park to honor the late founder of the Friends of Los Angeles River. (FOLAR)