Ford Victoria at Pasadena car show 2016

My teenage lovelife in cars at the Pasadena Classic Car Show

colorful cars at Pasadena Car Show
Classic cars were lined up along Green Street next to the Chalk Art Show in Pasadena.

I’m not much of a car person but as I wandered away from the Chalk Festival to the Pasadena Classic Car Show last weekend I found myself saying:

“I remember riding in that car with a boyfriend in high school”.

“And that was a car like my new boyfriend drove when I was a Freshman in college”.

So this post is of photos of cars I remember from my teens and early twenties–except for the one on the left.  It’s at the top of this post because I just like the colors and shapes of those hotrod type cars; I never had a boyfriend who drove a hotrod–not even an old boring one.

Ford Victoria Pasadena Car Show
I think of this car as a ‘bad boy’s car’ and can vaguely remember the young man who drove it back in the late 1950s in a small town in Oregon. It was a town and a life similar to the movie ‘American Graffiti’.
Chevrolet Bel Air 1950s
This car — an American icon — should be pink and white to be like the one driven by one of my boyfriends in high school.
MG sports car Pasadena car show
During my freshman year in college I dated a young man who drove a MG. I think it hooked me on riding around in sports cars. There were very few of them on the highways of America in those days.
I was dazzled by the Porsche that belonged to a man I was engaged to in college. I didn’t marry him, but dated several other men over the years who also owned Porches — even up to ten years ago. Hmmm. Wonder what that means.
Metropolitan cars Pasadena Car show
My husband bought a cute little Metropolitan for me shortly after we married. Then we sold it and moved to San Francisco.