rider Amgen Tour of California 2016

Stage 2 of Amgen Tour of California started at South Pasadena

The Team BMC from Switzerland had bikes on the cars read to go.Team BMC at Tour of California
The Team BMC from Switzerland had bikes on the cars read to go.

This was the third time I’d been to the Tour of California cycling race and it was a much more modest event than the two previous ones in Pasadena.  You can see last year’s finale, which ended up being a time trial circling the Rose Bowl here.

Peter Sagan in South Pasadena STage 2
Peter Sagan, winner of Stage 1 of the Tour of California in the yellow leader’s jersey.

Peter Sagan won Stage 1 this year, which started in San Diego.  He along with Bradley Wiggins, Mark Cavendish and Taylor Phinney were among the first out on the 92 mile course that goes up and down and around in the mountains in the Angeles National Forest.  Overall the gain on this stage is 11,000 ft.!  Tomorrow Stage 3 starts  in Thousand Oaks.

crowds line Mission Street in South Pasadena
Crowds lined Mission Street in South Pasadena at the start of Stage 2 of the Tour of California 2016.
Taylor Phinney
Taylor Phinney placed 4th at the last Olympics and no doubt he’s looking ahead to the games in Rio this sumner.
Security officers with dog Tour of California
There were Highway patrol officers, South Pasadena cops, and these two officers with a police dog.
Video photographer Tour of California
The race is streamed live–although I couldn’t find it on my TV–and this is the lead video photography motorcycle that races ahead of the peloton.
At the back of the Tour of California 2016
The cycling stars took to the course first. The men in this photo brought up the rear.
Holowesko Citadel team bus
The Holowesko Citadel team bus was among the last to leave South Pasadena. They had almost 4 hours before they had to be in Santa Clarita so they had plenty of time.