Chinese Theater Hollywood

Hard Rock dancing girls, Chewbacca, Shrek and Superheros — just another sunny day on Hollywood Blvd.

Superheros having fun Hollywood blvd
Costumed characters are a big feature on the boulevard. They want you to pay to take a picture with them. Interestingly enough, some actually make good money doing this.

It was something I hadn’t seen since the Sixties in North Beach–two girls in skimpy outfits dancing in a display window to lure customers inside.  But there it was at the Hard Rock cafe on Hollywood Blvd.  Back in the Sixties, however, the costumes were even smaller and the dancers more energetic.  These young ladies looked slightly embarrassed. (You can see them below.)

Posintg by Britney Spears start
Posing with the stars that honor famous people in the entertainment world is a popular activity on Hollywood Blvd. This is Britney Spears star.

Like most Angelenos I rarely ever go to to Hollywood; it’s nothing but a tourist trap.  But since I’d promised to write about the art in the Red Line Metro stations I decided to go up onto Hollywood Blvd. to see the show after I photographed the art underground. So here is what I saw on a sunny Saturday afternoon in April.  I will write about the Red Line Metro art in a future post.

dancers in window at Hard Rock cafe
Two young women dancing in the window at the front of the Hard Rock cafe in Hollywood. (Sorry about all the reflections.)


Posing with Shreck
Posing with the Shrek statue outside Madame Tussauds. Unlike other characters along the boulevard this Shrek won’t ask you to pay to pose with him.


Chinese Theater Hollywood
The historic Chinese Theater is at the heart of Hollywood Boulevard.


Jimmy Kimmel Live building
Kimmel’s show is taped right across the street from the Chinese Theater. The El Capitan, another old and glorious movie theater, is next door. Los Angeles has amazing old theaters and you can tour them downtown.


Roy Rogers hand and foot prints Chinese Theater
Roy Rogers didn’t stop with hand and foot prints. He also included a gun and Trigger’s horseshoes in the sidewalk outside the Chinese Theater.


Humphrey Bogart hand foot prints
Humphrey Bogart’s hand and footprints outside the Chinese theater. The ‘Sid’ mentioned is Sid Grauman who built the Chinese Theater.


Chewbacca outside Chinese theater
Star Wars storm troopers show up at many fairs around Los Angeles, but there were none on Hollywood Blvd. on Saturday. But Chewbacca was there. It was close to 80 degrees so he must have been melting inside that heavy costume!
Micky and Minnie Mouse Hollywood Blvd.
Micky and Minnie Mouse on Hollywood Boulevard. I wonder if they are licensed by Disney. Disney is very rigorous about enforcing licensing of their characters.


Sightseeing bus Hollywood Blvd.
And if you get bored you can always hop on a tour bus to see other sites around Los Angeles.