![Masked dancers Last Book Store](https://lacitypix.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/masked-figures-last-book-store-580x435.jpg?resize=580%2C435)
The Last Book Store in downtown Los Angeles not only sells new and used books, albums and comic books, this funky and huge store also sponsors performances by various schools around Los Angeles. Last Saturday evening the Renaissance Arts Charter school put on a music-dance-art event in the mezzanine of the Last Book Store. My granddaughter designed some of the costumes and created some of the artworks on display.
![Battle Hymn calligraphy](https://lacitypix.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/battle-hymm-caligraphy-art-435x580.jpg?w=225&resize=225%2C300)
Of course, proud grandmother that I am, I took photos of the event. On Sunday I went back to take pictures of the exterior of this store and spent a few minutes listening to a poetry reading by three young women.
This bookstore is, in fact, the last bookstore in downtown Los Angeles. It began in the owner’s loft and within a couple of years grew to such an extent that he rented a huge two story space formerly occupied by a bank. His timing was excellent because so many young people were moving into formerly vacant (for decades!) historic buildings. Suddenly, the LBS became a popular destination filled with interesting events during the evenings.
I have since signed up for their newsletter. I hope they actually send one out regularly. I signed up for the newsletter at Vroman’s bookstore in Pasadena and don’t remember ever receiving an email newsletter from them. As someone who spent a long career in advertising and communications, I am saddened by the fact that many retail stores fail to use free email to sustain their businesses. But that’s another topic…
The Last Book Store is located on 5th and Spring, just 2 blocks away from the Pershing Square Metro station. And I have since discovered that they do send out a regular email and sponsor very interesting book clubs.
![Costumes by Renaissance Arts students](https://lacitypix.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/costumes-renaissance-arts-charter-school-580x427.jpg?resize=580%2C427)
![musicians from Renaissance Arts School](https://lacitypix.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/renaissance-arts-school-musicians-580x433.jpg?resize=580%2C433)
![Paper sculpture by Renaissance arts students](https://lacitypix.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/paper-sculpture-by-ren-arts-school-435x580.jpg?resize=435%2C580)
![art installation Last book store](https://lacitypix.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/art-installation-last-book-store-435x580.jpg?resize=435%2C580)
![artist studio Last Book store](https://lacitypix.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/artists-studio-last-book-store-580x435.jpg?resize=580%2C435)
![Poetry reading Last Book store](https://lacitypix.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/poetry-reading-last-book-store-580x435.jpg?resize=580%2C435)
![The Last Book store downtown L.A.](https://lacitypix.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/the-last-bookstore-downtown-l-a-580x435.jpg?resize=580%2C435)