Day of Dead altar 2015Betty Balderama

An L.A. Mashup: Facepainters, vampires, family altars and Halloween at Macys

Halloween at Macys Los Angeles
The staff at Macys cosmetics department got into the spirit of Halloween.

With the large Mexican and Mexican-American population in Los Angeles, the celebration of Dia de los Muertos has grown year after year. Traditionally it is November 1–All Saint’s Day or All Hallows Day–when families honor the dead by leaving food and flowers on the graves of family members.

In another culture–the European-American one–the celebration is on All Hallows Evening, or as it has become known, Halloween, when the ghosts of the dead arise and grave sites are to be avoided. And, of course, children go trick-or-treating and are in sugar buzzes for days. These two celebrations have reached a gigantic mashup in Los Angeles with festivities and events going on for days

Anyway…this year I intended to take photos of the family altars in the Plaza by Olvera Street–which I did and you can see below. I also dashed into Macys downtown where much to my surprise the entire staff of the cosmetics department were dressed and painted for Halloween.

Cate, the New Vampire in Town

In two short novels I wrote the main character, Cate the Vampire, is a young Hollywood make-up artist who, after she becomes a vampire, sets up an enormously profitable website to sell makeup online.  At one point she sold make-up in a Department Store.

So here is what I saw.

Face painters at Olvera Street
Macys wasn’t the only place where cosmetics reigned. Several booths with face painters lined the Plaza. Here are three of the artists.
two women at family altars
Two women came to the Plaza to view the altars, one carrying a sunbrella. The temperature was in the high 80sF.
small altars day of the dead
Family altars are often small, like these two, and have gifts for the dead.
Multiple family altars
This family altar was lined with marigolds which I associate with India and Indian weddings rather than Mexico.
A family altar honoring women, abuelas, who have passed away. Note the marigold flowers which appeared on every altar.
A family altar honoring women, abuelas, who have passed away. Note the marigold flowers which appeared on every altar.
skulls at Olvera Street Los Angeles
A showcase of painted skulls in a shop on Olvera Street, the original street in the City of Los Angeles. There are two historic homes as well as dozens of touristy shops on Olvera.
Halloween in Union Station
As I was going home I saw this man in facepaint striding through Union Station. Must have been on his way to a party somewhere.