Mt Rushmore float for Rose Parade 2016

Rose Parade floats in September? See South Dakota’s and City of Hope’s floats

City of Hope float South Dakota float
What a surprise! 2 floats for the Rose Parade parked in the middle of the street. The one in front is for the City of Hope. The back one is for the State of South Dakota. The Phoenix Decorating Company barn, where the floats were going to be parked, is nearby.

I was on my way to the Metro when I came across two floats parked in the middle of Raymond Avenue in Pasadena.  In September!

The floats, one for South Dakota and one for the City of Hope, were bare of flowers, but the colors had been painted on the floats as guide for the people who will attach flowers to every inch of both floats in late December. Until then they will be parked in the Phoenix Floats barn over on Raymond.

If you are interested in volunteering to put the flowers on the floats in December, you can contact them here.

Here are closer views of the floats.

Mt. Rushmore flot for Rose Parade
Mt. Rushmore re-created by Phoenix Decorating on the South Dakota float for the Rose Parade.
South Dakota float for Rose Parade
Visit South Dakota and you’ll see eagles, Buffalos, horses and corn–at least that seems to be the message of their Rose Parade Float.
City of Hope float for Rose Parade
The City of Hope float before any flowers are attached.