girl on gold bike with bikini and gold lace

Cycling to the beach, painting a bus, playing an ecello at CicLAvia Culver City

Bicyclists at CiLAvia Culver City
Call this the establishing shot. At the end of the street is the beach. This CicLAvia event in Culver City and Venice seemed far less crowded than the one in Pasadena in June.

I didn’t ride in this CicLAvia, but took the Expo Metro Line out to Culver City, one of the hubs for the event. The next CicLAvia will be in downtown L.A. again on October 18th, 2015. So here is what I saw at CicLAvia Culver City-to-Venice last Sunday, August 9th, starting at the top of this page with a woman wearing a bikini and gold lace riding on a gold bike.

On the Metro to CiLAvia
Riding the Metro to CicLAvia Culver City.
Bicyclists descending into Metro on way to Culver City
Bicyclists from all over Los Angeles descended into Metro Stations to go to Culver City CicLAvia, 2015.


Cirque de Soleil photo booth
Cirque du Soleil’s newest show had a stand at CicLAvia where people could be photographed on a big wheeled old bike.
Marston Smith and his ecello
It wasn’t all cycling–there was music, too. E-cellist Marston Smith was playing on the street.  Outside the nearby Honda dealership a DJ was spinning music-to-cycle-by.
Painting the CiLAvia bus
Roberto del Hoyo, manager of Mobile Mural Lab, stands in front of a bus that bicylists and friends were encouraged to paint. Mobile Mural Lab supplies the bus and paint for promotion at special events. Lots of messages about fit living were on the bus.
Bike Friday hauler bike
This man told me his bike, built by Bike Friday up in Oregon, was great for hauling groceries, etc. He and his wife plan a cycling trip in Germany using collapsible bikes they can carry in their suitcases.
Bicycling with bubble machine
Oh whimsey! This couple had a bubble machine on the back of one bicycle. Look carefully and you’ll see a cascade of bubbles by his pants. All those white dots are other bubbles.
Bicyclist with GoPro camera
Quite a number of bicyclists were wearing GoPro cameras like this young man. No doubt the video will be one he treasures but cycling in Culver City isn’t quite like those wild young men in flying suits jumping from cliffs.
free bike repair at CicLAvia 2015
Free bike repair is customary at all CicLAvia events.
Children playing in water feature Culver City
Not everyone was bicycling. These children were having great fun playing in the water feature outside the historic Culver Hotel. Some of these watery play areas around the city have been shut off because of the drought. I was happy to see this one still operating. Kids love it!