Tour of California Pasadena 2015

Tour of California cycling race to the finish by the Rose Bowl

pelaton riders Tour of California 2015
This group of riders in the pelaton whizzed by just as I arrived at the Rose Bowl. They made 9 laps on the streets encircling the Bowl before the photo finish.

Last year the Stage 7 of the Amgen Tour of California cycling race ended in Pasadena by City Hall.  I went early and took photos of some of the off-course scenes which you can see here.

This year the final stage of this annual race from Sacramento to Los Angeles ended by the Rose Bowl.  By the time I arrived, the racers had already ridden from downtown Los Angeles and were circling the Rose Bowl at over 40 mph for the final laps of this 650-700 mile race.  The Tour of California is touted as ‘America’s Greatest Race’, which it may be, but by comparison, the Tour de France is over 3,000 miles of break-neck cycling.

I doubt very much that the Tour de France ever had a ‘snow day’.  Stage 7 this year was scheduled to be a ride through the mountains just north of L.A., but the night before it snowed and the promoters decided it was too dangerous for the riders to race on snow and ice-covered roads.  Instead of a mountain ride, there was a time trial race in Santa Clarita where the cyclists rode around the parking lot at the Magic Mountain theme park.  (The last time it snowed in May in So. California was over 50 years ago!)

tour of california on big screen tv
I watched the final lap on a big screen TV away from the crowded finish line. The entire race was broadcast live from cameras mounted on a helicopter and motorcycles.

While the Amgen Tour of California is shorter than the Tour de France, it’s not just a locals-only race.  Major teams from around the world were entered.  Canadian Peter Sagan, an elite rider with the Russian-owned Tinkoff-Saxo Bank team, was the overall winner.  Mark Cavendish, the British National Champion, won Stage 8 in what was a photo finish.  And — ta-da!–the Trek cycling team won overall for teams.  (I ride a Trek.)

Here is some of what I saw:

getting ready for a breakaway
As the race progressed there were several breakaways–none of which were successful. One group, getting ready for a breakaway, were the four men in day-glo green in this photo.
cycling spectators at tour of California
Local cycling club members turned out by the hundreds to watch the race and chat with friends while waiting for the pelaton to circle back around the Rose Bowl.
breakaway at tour of California
spectators at tour of california 2015
There were two classes of spectators near the finish line. The people in front, including the couple in blue shirts, had VIP tickets.  Another group in the non-VIP area, including the blonde woman, looked as if they were from Europe.  I suspect there are ‘traveling fans’ for cycling, the same as there are for soccer and X Games.
Taking down the fences Tour of California
As soon as the cyclists passed by on the final lap, the orange fences around the 2.5 mile route came down.  Local cyclists, walkers, runners, and joggers use this same path every day of the week.