People at the Burbank Fair 2015

Earthday, animation expo, and arts–just another fun weekend in beautiful downtown Burbank

Woman in lepart pattern pants
People of all ages flocked to this 3-in-One event to shop, to people-watch, and to take in the warm afternoon sunshine.

As I wrote some time ago, the pure arts festivals in and around Los Angeles are having a hard time of it in recent years.  Low attendance, few sales, disheartened artists and craftspeople.

The city of Burbank, however, put together three festivals this last weekend on San Fernando Road that turned into one very dynamic event.

The Earthday part of this festival was an ode to plastic and cilantro.  Sponsored by the Burbank Public Works Dept., there was a long tent covered with plastic bags–the bags that are now banned in many cities in California and the U.S..

Banned plastic bags at arthday 2015 Burbank
Banned plastic bags were assembled into walls on the Earthday tent.

(As an aside: the plastic bag ban is turning into a nice source of revenue for stores. If a shopper wants to buy a paper bag to carry groceries home, it costs ten cents.  City council people all across California, no doubt, feel really good about this: cleaning up the environment and helping businesses sneakily increase profits, too!)

But I digress…inside the Earthday plastic bag tent children were given small terracotta pots to paint and then cilantro seeds to plant in the pots.  It will be time for salsa in about a month!

The CTN Animation Expo is a relative new-comer, but added an interesting  group of people to the mix that wandered along San Fernando Road — much younger and much hipper than the typical arts fair attendees.

Skater Mascot for Animation  Festival 2015

There are several animation studios, including Disney and the Cartoon Network, in Burbank and nearby which makes this the ideal location for the event where young animators sold their own artwork. The mascot for the Animation Festival was a skater girl. I suspect she was a cosplay character, but not one that I recognize. She doesn’t look like a Disney princess, however.

The Burbank Arts and Crafts Festival which spread along three blocks has been around for years and years but as attendance fell and vendors became discouraged and failed to show up, the city came up with this multi-event to continue to attract people–shoppers–to downtown Burbank.

Oh, and there was the regular Saturday Burbank Farmers market about a block away to add to the mix.

Rather than tell you more about all this, I’ll show you some of what there was to see.

Artist setting up booth at Burbank Fair

The weekend began early Saturday morning with artists setting up booths to display paintings, photographs and many types of crafts at the Fair.

Hand crafted small kaleidoscopes displayed on a table at the Burbank Fair
Banjo player Burbank Art Fair 2015
It’s unusual to see a banjo player at a street fair, but he was drawing a crowd.
Ask about the Dragon sign animation booth Burbank 2015
A professional animation specialist by day. But on this weekend he taught story structure to attendees at the CTN animation Festival in Burbank.
All Fired Up pottery
Beautiful pottery at the All Fired Up booth. The potter is a retired Beverly Hills hair stylist.
Gourd purses
Among the unusual crafts were these handbags made from gourds at the Jones and Johnson booth
Crowd at Buurbank ARts Fair
Among the crowds were many younger people. Perhaps more interested in the CTN Animation Expo? The woman in black had dyed the tips of her hair a light green. A trend to come?
Chalk art at Burbank Fair
What would any Fair be without chalk artists creating their works on the street?!  And there were buskers playing a violin, a banjo and Andrean flutes on the sidewalks.  The violinist and banjoist played their music far too loud!
Bubbles at Burbank Art Fair
By late afternoon children –and some adults–were having a great time making big iridescent bubbles from soapy water in plastic wading pools.