Shooting a Chevrolet commercial Pershing Square

Pershing Square in downtown L.A. is labeled an “artsy park” by Google Maps, but that’s only part of the picture!

Pershing Square entrance
One entrance to Pershing Square. I wonder how “Black Jack” Pershing would react to that pink wall.

Named after “Black Jack” Pershing, a hero of World War I, Pershing Square was once a shady green park in the heart of downtown Los Angeles’s business district.   Today, concrete covers most of it.  And some of this concrete is artwork.

On Saturday it was the starting point for a tour of Art Deco/Moderne buildings led by a docent from the Los Angeles Conservancy and while waiting for the group to assemble, I snapped a few photos.  (My next post will be about these incredible Modene buildings.)

Later, at home, after reading Google Map’s label for the park I decided to go back and see just how “artsy” it is.  Instead I came to the conclusion that Pershing Square  is one square block that encapsulates many people and activities that are characteristic of L.A.  So let me take you on a tour of it.

Canon and Statue
Near the entrance are three statues in honor of the military and a canon that Pershing might recognize.  The round concrete ball is part of the “artsy-ness” of the Square.  There is also a large statue of Beethoven.  And lots of drought-tolerant plants.
This interesting space with bougainvilla growing up the p[ink wall is, in fact, the dog park for Pershing Square.
This interesting space with bougainvillea growing up the pink wall is, in fact, the dog park for Pershing Square.
Man and dog at Pershing Square
The dog was happily romping around the lawn but stopped to pose for a photo. The man apparently was not an English-language sign reader.
transparent balls for Chevrolet commercial
As I walked into the park I saw these amazing transparent balls. I thought someone must be preparing for the Easter egg hunt on Sunday. I was wrong. (See below.)
Strawberries and orchids
Strawberries and orchids at a farmers market that was up and running in Pershing Square on Wednesday.  Both are year ’round staples in L.A. farmers’ markets.
Lobster taco booth
A surprise from Puerto Nuevo, Baja, the home of great lobsters: a lobster taco booth in the farmers’ market.
Cast and crew for Chevrolet commercial
What’s this? I asked and found out that it was the cast and crew shooting a Chevrolet commercial.
bowling pin Chevrolet commercial.
More of the commercial. The people in white were human ‘bowling pins”. A man was inside the transparent ball.
drought tolerant plants in wall
Nearing the Square entrance again I noticed this wall planting of drought tolerant sedges and agaves.  Perfect now that Gov. Brown has declared mandatory water restrictions.
Office workers in black
And as I left Pershing Square I came across a covey of office workers heading out for lunch is their basic black.  I doubt they were having as much fun as the “bowling pin” people in white in the square.