reindeer dancer Pershing Square Los Angeles

Ice-skating beside the palm trees in downtown Los Angeles

Young skaters at Pershing Square Los Angeles
Very young skaters had these blue ‘carts’ to help them begin their skating experiences.  The palm trees were at the other side of this ice rink in Pershing Square.

The L.A. Kings winning the Stanley Cup twice in the last 3 years no doubt inspired some of the young skaters on the ice in Pershing Square in downtown L.A.  Most of them wobbled along on rented skates while Mom and Dad looked on from the sidelines, cameras and cell phone capturing their images.  Other adults got into the spirit and joined their children on the ice.

Skating along the ice-rink wall
Newbie skaters also clung to the handrail around the ice rink. The man in the Santa hat was not an ‘official’ Santa and was friendly with several young girls.

Ice skating was just one activity sponsored by the City Of Los Angeles for this holiday event in Pershing Square.  There was a Santa, a caricature artist, sledding as well as carolers singing under the palms about snow and silent nights and Christmas trees.  Of course, there were the ubiquitous food trucks.  I didn’t wait around, however, to see the elf olympics or the reindeer dancers.

Then off in a corner of the square was a demonstration about race and the cops–which the LAPD helped by blocking off traffic for one block at 5th and Hill.  I walked over to the demonstration, listened very briefly to the angry young man with a bullhorn and then I walked away and went back to listen to the carolers.  I’ve been marching in demonstrations for 50 years (anti-war demonstrations) and I wonder if people will still be demonstrating against something 50 years from now.  But that is too serious a topic for this post.

Here is some of what I saw on Saturday morning. Please read the captions.

Carolers at Pershing Square
Carolers singing about cold snowy winters and silent nights in the heart of Los Angeles in 2014.
Young reindeer dancers
Young dancers dressed as reindeer waiting to perform at Pershing Square.  One got into the winter spirit wearing her Uggs boots.
Small demonstration at Pershing Square Dec. 2014
A small demonstration about police shooting unarmed black men.
Woman selling loose cigarettes
Across the street from the demonstration a woman was selling loose cigarettes, as Eric Garner was accused of doing. The LAPD ignored her.  They were busy directing traffic around the demonstration. Propped up beside her is a sign for the demonstration.
Pair of Santas in the Metro
On my way home I came across 2 santas who claimed they were hired by the Metro. True? Maybe.  It was fun to see them with their sunglasses riding the subway.