Whac-a-Mole at the Funzone 2014

Strolling along the Santa Monica Pier watching children dance, old men sing and tourists take pictures

The colorful Santa Monica Pier is home to silly escapism–but fun.  Rather than write an essay about it, I’ll show you some photos I took about two weeks ago.

Route 66 End of the Trail
The western end of famous Route 66 which starts in Chicago and runs across the best part of the U.S.: the West!
seahorse at santa monica boardwalk
Going down from the pier to the boardwalk I came across this seahorse sculpture. I don’t think there are seahorses in the Santa Monica bay.
next stop hawaii
Three men fishing at the very end of the pier. Next stop: Hawaii!
pastel buildings santa monica boardwalk
I liked the additon of color to buildings near the pier. Very L.A.!
whac-a-mole at the Pier
Carnival fun! It’s the whac-a-mole booth on the pier. Not much business, but it was early in the day.
roller coaster ferris wheel
I walked around to the edge of the pier and caught a man photographing the ferris wheel just when the roller coaster was speeding by.
sings sorts like Neil Young
Now this man was singing a lot like Neil Young. There were also two other musicians stationed along the pier.
This musician sings sort of like Elvis.  His head was always tilted down so I don't know if he looked like Elvis.
This musician sings sort of like Elvis. His head was always tilted down so I don’t know if he looked like Elvis.
dancing to the steel drummer
These two toddlers were dancing to the rhythm of the steel drummer. I wonder if they will remember this when they’re older.
Emily and her fuzzy bike
Emily had just acquired her upholstered bike the day before and she was quite proud of it.