Santa Monica Pier: Fun at the beach without getting onto all that gritty sand

A carnival booth at the funzone. The person in the black shirt and hat the reads 'Security' is a women.  The one whose hat reads 'Skin' is a man.  I don't know if they won anything.
A carnival booth at the funzone. The person in the black shirt and hat the reads ‘Security’ is a woman. The one whose hat reads ‘Skin’ is a man. I don’t know if they won anything.
booth at Santa Monica Pier Funzone
Where are all the customers? A quiet day in the Funzone.

True confession:  I am not much of a beach person.  I don’t lay out on the sand to get a suntan.  I don’t swim in the ocean. I don’t play beach volleyball.  Nor do I surf.  But I like being near the cool blue Pacific.  (Except for one period when I lived in Las Vegas I’ve always lived very close to the ocean.)

Bike path under Santa Monica Pier
The bike path runs for over 8 miles along the beach from near Malibu south to Redondo Beach

As it turns out the beach areas of Southern California are ideal for someone like me.  There are miles and miles of walkways, many lined with bikini shops and restaurants and take-out joints and bike rental stands.  There are also oddball entertainers–funny and wacky–scattered along the way.

And then there is the Santa Monica Pier with its funzone sticking out into the Pacific, pointing toward Hawaii.

Funzone at Santa Monica Pier
From the end of the Pier looking back at the Funzone.  The ferris wheel has a great light display at night.

The Pier is open 24 hours a day, although the rides, carnival booths, aquarium, trapeze school, and cafes are only open during the daytime–some into the evening.  If you want to go for a quiet stroll at midnight, you may find you have company on the Pier.  One of the local TV stations shows it live during their late night weather report and most of the time there are people on it.

It is, in my opinion, one of the best places to people-watch and take photos.  In fact, these photos taken a while ago have inspired me to visit the Pier again soon.  So this is Part One about the Santa Monica Pier.  (Be sure to read the captions!)

roller coaster track at Santa Monica Pier
The yellow track at the top of the posts is for the roller coaster. It’s definitely kiddy coaster. Six Flags out near Santa Clarita has horrifyingly scary roller coasters.
Couple at Santa Monica Pier
A couple looking north–actually northwest–toward Malibu in the background.
bumper car fun
I loved riding in bumper cars when I was young. We even rode in them when I was a teenager in Spokane.  Those cars were larger than these, of course.
blue building pink building Santa Monica Pier
I love the colors in this image!