Jacaranda trees blooming Pasadena

See photos of jacaranda trees in full, glorious bloom along Del Mar in Pasadena

jacaranda trees along Del mar Pasadena
A once a year display of the purple blossoms in the jacaranda trees along Del Mar Blvd.

Originally from the drier regions of Brazil, jacaranda trees have since been planted around the world.  I understand they are even a favorite in Nepal!  They are also a favorite tree in Pasadena and this week they are in full, glorious bloom.

Well, not everyone likes them.  Their purple blossoms stain when they drop on cars and sidewalks.  And some people don’t like cleaning up their leaves which drop in early May, just before the flowers burst into bloom.

The purple flowers only last a few days, maybe a week or so and when they drop they stain sidewalks.  The green leaves are new.  The old ones dropped just before the flowers blossomed.
The purple flowers only last a few days, maybe a week or so and when they drop they stain sidewalks. The green leaves are new. The old ones dropped just before the flowers blossomed.

Back in December of 2011, a huge windstorm swept through Pasadena destroying thousands of trees;  it also knocked down some of the  jacaranda trees along Del Mar.  The City of Pasadena Forestry Department promptly replanted them and the new trees are doing well.

What I’m going to show in this post are the old trees, brought from South America to the Los Angeles Arboretum, where they were propagated (cuttings were made and stuck in pots) and the new trees installed in Pasadena.

Not in Pasadena?  Take the Metro Gold Line to the Del Mar station, turn left, walk a half a block and go left again.

Brazilian jacaranda trees Pasadena
Another view of the jacaranda trees in bloom along Del Mar.