selling snacks on Alverado street

Photos of the informal Street Market on Alvarado in Los Angeles–a world apart from Hollywood glamour!

selling snacks on Alvarado Street
A street vendor selling snacks in front of the Alvarado Swap Meet which operates 7 days a week.

Unlike the Montrose Harvest Market on Sundays, which I photographed a few weeks ago, the informal street market on Alvarado on Sunday represents another side of Los Angeles, a much more impoverished one.  There are no pony rides or petting zoos for kids.  No flamenco jazz band.  No neat and tidy stacks of organic vegetables showcased under bright white canopies.

Alvarado is a neighborhood I have visited only once before, when taking photos of the art in the Metro stations.  When I took these photos last weekend, I exited onto Alvarado Street from the Metro Red Line with the intention of taking pictures of a bicycling event, CicLAvia.  (See previous post.)  I also found the the necessities-of-life for this neighborhood in their Sunday market: street food cooked on top of shopping carts, cheap clothing, and recycled toys for children.

Here are some of the things I saw.

Fun stuff for kids at MacArthur Park
This vendor was not in the Alvarado Market, but across the street in MacArthur Park where kids in uniforms were playing soccer. A more affluent group.
Shoes for sale on Alvarado Street
A neat display of shoes at the informal market along Alvarado Street on Sunday.
Recycled Barbie Dolls
While there may be no pony rides or petting zoos, the mothers at the Alvardo Market on Sundays can get special treats for their children. In this case, recycled toys, including Barbie Dolls.
selling steak at the Alvarado Street Market
Instead of selling grilled meat from within a tent, this vendor uses a shopping cart as her food stand. When I tried to take a picture of another meat vendor I was yelled at in Spanish, then English. ‘No pictures” the woman shouted at me.
You know your orange juice is fresh when the seller makes it in front of your eyes
You know your orange juice is fresh when the seller makes it in front of your eyes