The music biz lost me when rap began to take over the air waves and I switched five of the six radio buttons in my car to oldies stations. The sixth button tunes to a classic music station. But apparently pop music continues churning out stars or wanna-be stars. And example is this young woman (who I did not recognize) lip-syncing while three young men armed with cameras took video of her on the beach in Venice. I love seeing things like this — sort of an only-in-California moment.
Tsunami sign on the Venice street
Okay. In a previous post I wrote about the Tsunami warning sign in Venice and speculated that everyone in the city-designated tsunami zone in Venice would have to evacuate by car. Well, I was right. Here is the sign that shows us where we should go in our cars if a tsunami threatens Venice Beach. No doubt a traffic jam the size of a tsunami would develop almost immediately!