Yesterday the 2013 Roller Derby season at the Derby Doll Factory here in L.A. ended. My granddaughter’s team played for the Junior championship, but ended up in second place. Was that ever a shock! They had come into the finals looking invincible.
In a previous post I wrote about the possibility of roller sports being included in the Olympics, but, alas, that is not going to happen. The good news: while the Olympic Committee decided against including flat track roller derby, Hershey Candies–yes, those people who make that good chocolate stuff–have included video taken at the Derby Doll Factory in their newest TV commercial. Look at it and you’ll see some young women in pink. They are Derby Doll players. And what can be more wholesome and all-American than Hershey’s chocolate bars and roller derby! (I bet more people eat Hershey bars than eat apple pie!)
The latest rumors I’ve heard are that the national roller derby association (whatever it’s official name is) is considering applying to the X Games for inclusion. To be continued when there is more news.