The art of the train station and the Castle Green – you can live there if you wish!

Gray tower at Del Mar Gold Line station

There are five museums within walking distance of various Metro stations along the Gold Line.  I always think of it as the “art and culture” rapid transit line in L.A.  When the stations were built, art was commissioned for each one, including the Del Mar Station in Old Town Pasadena.

This station was built at the site of an old train station, which has now been converted into a restaurant.  So what would make more sense than to draw on old trains for inspiration for the art at the station.

In this photo you can see a gray structure — which is, in fact, a sculpture surrounding the staircase to a lower level garage.  The red-rust color building behind it is a huge  apartment complex.  It is something completely out of scale with the rest of the neighborhood but urban planners love to put rentals over public transit.

The old train station survives–now as La Grande Orange restaurant.  The menu at La Grande Orange is amusing; it’s as if someone created a list of all his/her favorite foods with no concern for any specific cuisine.  You an order a big yummy hamburger (I’ve had it and it’s very good!), or a serving of mac and cheese or a pizza and then top off your order with a bottle of their own house olive oil to go.  There is also a sushi place at the Del Mar Station.

Near Castle Green and Old Town Pasadena

Colorado Street, the heart of Old Town with dozens of restaurants, is only two blocks north.Old Train station at Del Mar in Pasadena

Castle Green
The Castle Green in Old Town Pasadena

When you exit the Del Mar Station you will find yourself looking at Central Park and to the north is a wild-looking old building, the Castle Green.  It is what remains of the Green Hotel.  The huge, main hotel building was torn down decades ago, but this building, once designated as “bachelor quarters” for the guests of the Green Hotel, survived and is now condos.  And they aren’t cheap these days!

Once or twice a year, there are tours of the public areas of the Castle Green.  And if you are interested in buying a violin, there is a violin business on the ground floor of the building, facing onto Green Street.  And many many other small stores in nearby streets.

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