My camera and I were walking along Vermont Ave. I was out to enjoy a morning latte; the camera was going to take a break from photographing Spanish Revival architecture in charming Los Feliz. Suddenly I noticed a big big poster of a big Kristie Alley in a big cherry red dress in a shop window. Sharing the window was a big big poster of Ms. Alley slimmer and sexy again in a low-cut black number.
Inside, I learned that Kristie Alley has yet made another come-back–this time by introducing her own line of certified organic diet products in her own store, called Organic Liaison. You’ll love this: the name of the featured diet elixer is “Rescue Me”. I’m not so sure she needs to be rescued. She’s doing a pretty good job of rescuing herself and her career, long after many of her peers have vanished into the “Where Are They Now?” column.
In a recent incarnation she has peeled off 100 pounds, just in time to be a Dancing Queen on Dancing With The Stars. We will have to tune into DWTS to see if she really is as slim as she looks in that black dress. Or if the shop involved in her Before/After photos is actually photoshop.
A few years later in 2021: Kristie has gone through more ups and downs as the years roll by. Currently her weight seems to be more “up” and her career appears to be more “down”. That’s Hollywood! Or maybe that’s Scientology+Hollywood.